Survey Eligibility

If you live in the US, you have a dollar store nearby that you will probably visit for the best prices on the goods and products you need.

The survey is an opportunity for you to participate in the DGCustomerFirst contest and win a $ 100 gift card simply by providing your genuine feedback on your shopping experience and your opinion on the quality, availability, and price of its products services offer to the customers.

DGCustomerFirst Survey Eligibility

The eligibility criteria that a customer needs to keep in mind before answering the survey are published below. Just go through it:

  • It is necessary to know that the DGCustomerFirst Survey is open to the 50 United States and the Colombian region’s legal residents.
  • The survey participant must be at least 18 years old by the date he answers the survey questionnaire.
  • The company expects that you purchase and product from Dollar Stores before taking this survey.
  • Anyone who wants to participate in DGCustomerFirst must be able to provide proof of purchase whenever asked.
  • Dollar General employees and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in the survey and competition.
  • You must provide your contact details at the end of this survey.

DGCustomerFirst is an exclusive real-time login portal planned and launched by the company to make sure that the customers love the company’s services. The official survey portal is accessible at the URL address

The Dollar General stores are eager to know the customer’s perspective regarding their services and work on the same if needed. This survey is one of Dollar General’s best tools to analyze and know the customer’s thought process. The brand tends to change Dollar General’s future based on customer needs and their feedback in DGCustomerFirst’s exclusive customer satisfaction survey.